
The British International School of the University of Łódź is an international school chartered by The British International School of the University of Lodz Ltd (the Company), registered in Poland. Its main business role is to conduct and provide financial and organisational structures for the following educational units:

1) Secondary School of the British International School of the University of Lodz

2) Primary School of the British International School of the University of Lodz

3) Foundation of the British International School of the University of Lodz.

The Company operates through the following bodies:

1) Shareholders Meeting

2) The Supervisory Board

3) Management Board

The rules of functioning of the bodies are governed by the Articles of Association and the provisions of Relevant Regulations.

The Shareholders Meeting

The British International School of the University of Łódz Ltd is owned by Foundation of the University of Łódz. University of Łódź is the founder of the Foundation.

The University of Lodz is devoted to research and education development aimed at community transformation. Its institution conducts major scientific projects with national and international grant providers, embracing a wide range of fields of exact sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Our goal is to form active global citizens who can think critically and understand the complexity of the modern world. The UL carries out research projects ordered by companies and includes business factors in education processes. Our institution is one of the largest employers in the region.

The University was among the first universities in Poland that signed the Declaration of Social Responsibility, and the first public university in Poland that signed the Diversity Charter. Through a variety of projects, as University Diversity, the UL builds academic community around the values of respect for cultural, religious, and diverse identities as well as social sensitivity.

The Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board consists of 3 members elected by the Rector of the University of Lodz for a term of four years each. The Chairman is appointed by the Rector of the University of Lodz. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board and its members may not simultaneously hold any position at BISUL.

Przemysław Fabjanowski
Chairman of the
Supervisory Board
Tomasz Łysek
of the Supervisory
Anna Rolczak
Member of the
Supervisory Board

The role of the Supervisory Board is primarily a strategic one. Their Members decide the purpose and the overall goals of the school and set a framework for their implementation and achievement. Their key responsibilities are:

  • Support the School’s continued growth
  • Encourage collaboration between the school and the University of Lodz
  • Appoint and supervise the Chairperson
  • Monitor and review the performance of the school
  • Provide instructions to the Chairperson on matters that are of far-reaching consequence or important in principle for the Company & School

The Management Board & Chairwoman

The Management Board is represented by the Chairwoman.

Aleksandra Suszczewicz
Chairwoman of the Board

The role of the Chairwoman is primarily to:

  • Manage the affairs of the Company that conducts the School
  • Secure the organisation framework for the school (services, safety, budget)
  • Supervise the work of the employees reporting directly to the Board, including the Head of the School
  • Prepare the annual budget of the Company, supervising its implementation and adherence as indicated in the relevant items of the Company’s budget funds to the organizational units of BISUL Ltd
  • Create an implementation of Company’s action plans and strategies.

The Head of School

The Head of the School is responsible for:

  • Management of the School
  • Creation and implementation of the development strategies of School after gaining approval from the Chairman of The Board
  • Development and implementation of the curriculum framework
  • Development of the annual work plan: didactic, educational and care-providing, as well as professional development of teachers
  • Development of hiring plan of pedagogical staff; presenting applications for employment or dismissal of employees to the Management Board
  • Determining the scope of cooperation with educational institutions performing pedagogical tasks
  • Exercising pedagogical supervision over the School